Forum Evolution

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Forum Evolution

Ola Já Esta Registrado no Forum Evolution???

Forum Evolution

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    [NEW] Hablux 3.5 ~ Salas Inéditas [NEW]


    Número de Mensagens : 480
    Idade : 30
    Localização : ..
    Emprego/lazer : ...
    Humor : Web Designer e Etc...
    Reputação : 7
    Pontos : 80606
    Data de inscrição : 23/03/2008

    Habbo:: Dono Forum
    [NEW] Hablux 3.5 ~ Salas Inéditas [NEW] Left_bar_bleue100/98[NEW] Hablux 3.5 ~ Salas Inéditas [NEW] Empty_bar_bleue  (100/98)
    Lista:: Mensagem do Usuario

    [NEW] Hablux 3.5 ~ Salas Inéditas [NEW] Empty [NEW] Hablux 3.5 ~ Salas Inéditas [NEW]

    Mensagem  thonny Dom Abr 20, 2008 10:20 am

    Mais um server COOL...
    I also believe this is the first server to have the Slinky Helsinki Room 2??
    Correct me if i am wrong please
    Also please note, you must have the DCR's of these rooms in your DCR's for them to work, also the helzinki room may look different depending on what CCT you have.
    However good news, public and guestrooms are now 100% customisable via locales Very Happy
    Login (100%)
    Registeration (100%), this has been fixed from V1
    Update ID (100%)
    Purse (100%)
    Navigator (100%)
    HC (100%)
    Mute On/Off (100%)
    CFH (100%)
    BattleBall (10%) can go in games
    SnowStorm (5%), you get errors - nav only
    Reccomended Rooms (99%)
    Room Voting (100%)
    WobbleSquabble (10%), lost some codes, disabled in this release
    More Guestroom Catagories Added
    New Public Rooms Added

    Commands (100%) - :drink - :teleport - :invisible - :cleanhand - :lockhotel - :fix - :details - :refresh - :debug command - :offline - :changepassword - :giverank - :changemission - :diving on/off - :hotelalert - :userdata - :poof - :clearconsole - :softkick - :transfer - :info - :groupbade 1-10

    Infobus (100%) - :infobus open/close (100%) Trax (80%) - Edit Songs (100%) - Make Songs (70%) - Trax Deal (100%) - Play/Stop Trax (100%) Lido (100%) - Tickets (100%) - Camera (100%) - Diving (100%) - Swimming (100%) Bots (100%) Public Rooms (100%) Guestrooms (100%) Compatible with V20/V21 (40%) Call for Help (99%) - V21 Style (100%) - Audio (100%)

    Lol especially requested by Habmoon for his retro here are some more BB rooms available to walk in Very Happy

    more.but deleted one for a picture from Ramondzz, there are 5 batleball dance rooms Very Happy

    also here is some other things this server has..

    Rooftop 2

    Slinky Helsinki 1

    slinky helsinki 2 i believe no other server has it???

    thanks for Habmoon for letting me know about this room Very Happy

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      Data/hora atual: Ter Jul 02, 2024 11:43 am